Friday, April 30, 2010

Why do I do It

My goals were to be a president and it happened I made it. I was always sick when i was little and when I got a little older I didnt get sick anymore. I had alot of different goals like not being sick alot, or being President and things like that. Influences were my family and friends to be a good president and I did turn out to be a good president. I told NASA to let someone land on the moon and Neil Armstrong made it on the moon with 2 other astronauts.

Whats the Big Deal

Whats the Big Deal? Well the big deal was that i was president of the United States.That made me famous they made movies of me, and books of me.See when I was young I fought Scarlet Fever which is a disease.I did what I could and it went away I almost died during Scarlet Fever.When I grew up I wanted to be a President so tried and I was elected.

Monday, April 26, 2010


He was born in 83 Beals Street Brookline Massachusetts
His birthdate is May 29,1917
Parents were Joseph Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Siblings were Joseph jr. , Robert , Edward were the brothers and the sisters were Rosemary , Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, and Jean.
An imprtant thing in his life was that he almost died from Scarlet Fever.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Life

Hello, My name is John Kennedy I am the president of the United States of America. I am the 35th president check my blogs and I will tell you about being a president. Being a president is hard because you have to do protect your country.